PARENTING The Drive to Thrive Course

Based on a combination of child development, parenting, & sport psychology, learn the skill to lead your athlete to the next level and consistent peak performance. 

Youth Athlete Leadership Training

Good athletes are expected to be good leaders.

This course will guide young leaders toward stepping up, speaking up, and leading well.  

Online Sport Psychology Training

Mental skills training (MST) is a necessity for ALL athletes!

In addition to face to face and Zoom coaching, our online academy offers mental skills training options!

Each program is delivered via a handy platform, features easy to navigate modules, and can be on any device.

Based on sport psychology fundamentals, Mind Right's Online Mental Skills Training Program is an on call mental performance coach -  whenever and wherever you need it!

Explore the links below and see you Mind Right can take you or your athlete to the next level.

Sport Psychology and mental skills training are for athletes of any age and any level

Every athlete has some degree of built in mental skills. With that built in set of mental skills comes a wall where they being to fail.
Mental skills training creates skills which push the wall farther out on the horizon, and helps build repeatable peak performance,

Our online sport psychology program makes mental skills training available whenever and wherever it is convenient!

Sport Psychology Benefits for Younger Athletes:

Mental Skills training provides a solid foundation to support emotional, physical, psychological, and athletic growth. It builds consistency, confidence, and mental toughness while increasing the level of fun in sports. The lessons learned through our online training platform will carry on with the athlete in sports and life!

Sport Psychology Benefits for Adolescent & College Athletes:

Mental skills training improves on existing mental skills and increases the consistency of peak performance.

By the time an athlete is at the varsity level of high school, physical traits like size and speed have evened out with competitors.

In high school and club, being the starter and the one recruiters come to see comes down to the "intangibles." Mental skills training is the foundation for these things.

At the college level, everyone is good. Through mental skills training college athletes become elite. The skills developed create consistent high performance while managing the stresses of high consequence environments, academics and college life.

Sport Psychology Benefits for Weekend Warrior, Mud Run/Spartan, Golf, Tennis, etc., types:

Mental skills train will boost consistency in training your and performance. You will do better, for longer, and have more fun.

Most recreational athletes have had a “lights out” experience where they performed their best, things seemed easy, and they could do no wrong. Mental skills training makes that kind of performance the norm. There is a science behind performance excellence. Understanding how and why things happen and gaining the ability to prime the appropriate mental, physical and psychological states is key. Peak performance isn’t only available to elite athletes. It also isn't wandered into. It is SUMMONED every time they perform. The same set of skills and sport psychology techniques can be accessed by anyone who wants to improve their game.

The Drive to Thrive Course For athletes

A comprehensive program delivered in short, easy to manage modules. Sport psychology fundamentals for athletes at any level to improve their mental game and create peak performance.


OCR & the Drive to Thrive

Learn the science, theory, and practice around mental skills training. This program will combine your experiences and expertise as an athlete with the foundations of sport psychology.